A woman rubbing her neck.

Signs That You May Have Low Thyroid

August 13, 20183 min read

Signs That You May Have Low Thyroid

Low thyroid is associated with uncomfortable, distressing and even debilitating or life-threatening complications. Yet it’s estimated that half of those who have the condition don’t know it, and neither do their healthcare providers. Left untreated, low thyroid can result in conditions such as a goiter, heart problems, infertility and more.

You may be aware that the thyroid is associated with regulating the metabolism, and you might be aware that weight gain or an inability to lose weight even while dieting are common low thyroid signs. Yet did you know that hypothyroidism can also affect your energy levels? Lethargy, a lack of energy and extreme fatigue are all potential signs of a thyroid problem.

Muscle and joint pains, headaches and fibromyalgia are some other potential signs of low thyroid, as it affects the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Brain fog, memory problems, depression or anxiety are other signs you may not be aware are associated with thyroid conditions.

Thinning hair or hair loss, dry skin, coldness in your hands or feet and gum disease are a few other lesser known, but not uncommon low thyroid signs. The diversity of symptoms demonstrates and reflects the extent and importance of the thyroid’s role in your body’s function and overall health. Nearly every physiological process in the body involves the thyroid.

Paying attention and noticing how your body feels and functions is vitally important to your health. It’s the best way to help ensure that if you do have a low thyroid problem, it will be identified and managed properly. Whether you’re concerned about one of these signs or several, you can present what you’ve noticed to a health care practitioner who is experienced with low thyroid and confident about his or her ability to help you regain optimal health.

Low thyroid is rarely a “simple” health matter with an easy fix. It is typically a complex health issue affecting your body in multiple ways. It may even be that low thyroid is not the main underlying cause of your symptoms, but is a symptom of another problem itself. Many low thyroid patients have the autoimmune condition known as Hashimoto’s disease.

Hashimoto’s disease and low thyroid both require thorough investigation into their causes and effects on the body. Neither is likely to be remedied or resolved without in-depth testing and care that’s highly personalized.

Functional medicine is an excellent health care option for low thyroid and Hashimoto’s disease. It focuses on how the organs and systems in your body are functioning, and how dysfunction can be minimized while balance is restored as fully as possible. The goal is to achieve optimal health and feel better through a personalized care plan that involves safe, natural therapies.

Whatever signs or symptoms you’re experiencing, a naturopathic doctor specializing in functional medicine will work to find the root cause(s). If you have a low thyroid or Hashimoto’s disease, it will be detected so you can then receive the care you need to restore function and optimal health long term.

Book Your Free 20 Minute Discovery Call Today!

Photo Credit: ID 133586015 © Ilia Burdun | Dreamstime.com

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